Monday, February 15, 2010

Has this ever happend to you?

on a friday afternoon all was good. i walking with a friend to the college when i looked and seen a kid using a cellphone. thats completly normal right. not the next part when i started to see the kid throw part of the phone out. next he actually threw the phone. this part was wierd why would someone throw there phone, exspecially a blackberry. i walked up and picked up the cell phone and put in my pocket and ran up to the kid and told him he that he dropped his phone he said it wasn't his. ok so what were you doin with it. he said i just makin a prank phone call. i looked at him and walked away. when i got to the college the phone rang i ignored it b/c i was talking to my friend. i decided to look at the number the number said home. so i called and asaked who it was the kid answered and told me who he was and where he lived. i told him that i was going to bring it to him. i did but while i was waiting for brittany at the college the girl got a call saying that her little brother had lost his cell phone. i started to chuckle. after brittany got done her class i told her the story and she said ok lets go give it to him. while in the car she said what college student lost the cell phone. i told her that i mentioned nothing of the sort of a college student that the cell phone was actually a high school students. when we got to his house the kid came running out with his socks and his tee shirt and shorts. i handed him the phone and told him that he was lucky i picked it up rather than somebody else.

The End

Sunday, February 7, 2010

the squell

The hired singer at the church is supposed to help every spiritually. Then again the organist at my church makes you want to jump out the window and become atheist. If that man is supposed to be a helper of a man above but i dont think anything could live if its above his voice. this man makes birds fall from the sky. just kidding he is actually a nice man. you must forgive him, as he doesn't know as to what he does. if you only heard his organ playing skills you would think his voice would be gentle. he plays the organ like a messenger of god himself. if this man has a spot in heaven its for his organ playing NOT HIS SINGING. imagine this a man thats mother and farther are hank william senior and elvis presley. this man voice has distuction force just watch: that blue beam thats his voice.