Thursday, April 22, 2010


tell ya what when you have a good day and the sun is out and there is not a single cloud in the sky and the birds are out. well if ya have me to then the next day comes and you have to deal with rain dark clouds high winds and gloomy skys. that just ruins the day. tell you what there is nothing worse than a gloomy crappy day that makes you feel like it is never going to get better.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

mind flex

The mind flex game is used by using you "mind". Yes your mind this is in cool invention. this game is used by registering your brain movement. although you probably would look like your constipated trying to play. well if you don't believe me look at this picture above. this guy looks like he hasn't went in three years. over all it is quite a fun game or at least a fun game to watch others play.

technology advancements

this glove is the next generation in technology. this little glove is capable of having 30 programmable keys. this is a good idea for gaming or surfing the web. but this technology doesnt end there. the USB connector has a gold plate for maximuim connectivity and the tops can be interchanged to suit your likes.

over all i givve this a 9 star rating out of 10
whats your intake?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

the wrong question

I was getting down getting ready for breakfast and and I grabbed the cereal and poured it in a bowl
then I went to the fridge and grabbed the milk and then I smelled it. the worst smell that could ever happen in morning. i then put the milk down and asked my mother who was right beside me if she was sure the milk was still good. she replied well of course it is I just put some in my coffee and it taste great dear. so me being foolish believed her so i put some in my cereal. i did it and i should have believed myself. the milk that day gave me a really bad stomach ache. i had bowel problems which were gussy and uncomfortably. when i got picked up my mother said to me wats the matter boy. well only the milk i had that gave me a ton of cold symtoms nothing. she was still persistant that she was correct so when she got home she had a bowl of cereal. and all to be said she also got sick the very next day:)
" the end "

Sunday, March 28, 2010

You have heard of several journeys made for buried treasure, sacred pilgrimages, and food. Yep you heard me, food. my girlfriend and i have made the greatest discovery of all time. The best chicken wings ever. we embark on our journey from her house on glorious steeds called bicycles. according to her grandfather we are just giving our butts a ride. Anyways we go on a 5 mile up hill both ways trek to get our chicken wings at a little store in the middle of nowhere called fat bobs, and bob believe it or not is't really fat at all hes more like a twig. I would have named it anerexian bobs but thats just me. Anyways We each get 12 wings a piece and don't gain a single pound Because the ride gets ride of about 20 pounds and you gain that much eating there. its like the perfect diet. eat all you want and you have to exercise to eat. Fantastic! WORKS GREAT and Like tony the tiger THERE GRRRR-EAT!!!

its a bird its a plane no its ...

Pesto yes pesto. you see if you walking down the street and you see green noodles flying at you just scream Brittany and duck. you see i was eating dinner at her house and i seen that she was getting her food and then it happen. FLYING PESTO at everything the other food and and all of the drinks. and just missed everyone else. the pesto and also covered the entire table. i learned a very valuable lesson. dont you remember back in the day when the men served the women well i think that was done for a good reason. so the men did not end up with the food on themselves instead of the plate.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

the cooking expo

have you ever cooked with someone who was just learning how to use a gas stove well i have. tell ya what its a pretty scary sight. one moment your fine and you two are getting along and the next thing you know after you show them how to butter the pan they turn the stove on when your hunched over the burner trying to get a spice. guess what it was't my niece who was with me it was my girlfriend trying to collect early life insurance.